Four Simple Networking Rules

There are all kinds of rules and ideas floating around regarding networking and what works and what doesn’t.

At a recent Dallas Business Journal event with my colleague and friend, Michelle Botzau, we co-presented on how to network your way to more business. The first half was how to use the business newspaper to find leads and build relationships.  Ms. Botzau defined four steps to use to be a “smart reader”:

  1. Skim
  2. Decide
  3. Read
  4. Act

My half of the program followed with a networking session build around four simple steps that mirrored Ms. Botzau’s approach.  These were designed  to help you organize yourself as you go out networking.

  1. Set a strategy
  2. Align your tools
  3. Choose your targets
  4. Take action

By setting a strategy, you know where you are going before you leave.  Have a plan.

Aligning your tools makes sure you are armed and dangerous when you go out networking: business cards, your short speech, having a LinkedIn profile, among other things.

Having an idea who you are going to talk with is important before you go.

Nothing replaces taking action: you can watch all the exercise shows in the world without losing a pound if you don’t leave the couch.  Get out and DO!


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