Being Organized

This past week, I helped in a residential move.  I hadn’t thought about how much my trade show experience would lend itself–but it did.

From assembling boxes to directing laborers to preparing the space, it all came back to me. If you don’t plan ahead, things can fall apart very quickly.

Now, I admit that is overstating the obvious for most of us in the industry.  But, really, is there a task more daunting than moving?  And the same goes for producing your largest show of the year–that 50×100 with the stage and all the interactive stuff?  There are a few key similarities:

There are deadlines that if you miss them, a truck leaves without the right stuff.

  • Things can get damaged if they aren’t packed or prepared correctly.
  • Paperwork has to be filed (your change of address; your certificate of insurance).
  • If things don’t work out, you might not have a roof over your head.

Seriously, there are things that must be done before either a move or an install can happen:

  • Labor has to be ordered and scheduled.
  • Packing has to be supervised.
  • Paperwork has to be filed.
  • Payments need to be made in advance.

Make your checklist and follow it and things will go smoothly.


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