Offering Up Daily Networking Tips via Twitter

It started as a promotion for a speaking gig in Las Vegas for Parker University.  It has grown into a daily ritual for me and a number of followers.

The daily “Networking Tip” tweet is the first thing I post each day.  It’s my way of reaching out to my audiences with something we both expect and, I hope, look forward to.

Using the hashtag “powerenetworking,” the daily posts number near 300.  Using a simple formula of things you need to remember or should try in your daily networking, the tips include such nuggets as:

  • Over deliver by offering an extra service that’s of value.
  • Offer help without expecting anything in return.
  • Great people with a firm handshake with your right hand.
  • Be a credible source of information.
  • If no is the final answer, move on.
  • Own up to your mistakes and move on. Be gracious.

And so on.  I make a point of tagging certain, relevant followers who either retweet or like the posts and almost always appreciate the content. The formula is simple:

  • Start with the same phrase, “Networking Tip.”
  • Keep it short.
  • Use the hashtag #powernetworking.
  • Include a cadre of special followers, most notably @NFHSGBL, @ParkerExper and several others on a rotating basis as space permits (remember: only 140 characters).

It started back in January when I spoke to Parker Vegas and promoted my program leading up to, during and after the event.  I then just continued it, intending to build my Relentless Networker brand.  Must’ve worked: followers went from 300 to over 1100.

Thanks for reading.  And thanks for following.


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