Embracing Tucson: The Presidio District

The area just north of the Pima County Historic Courthouse isn’t a stranger to us.  We’ve been to the Tucson Museum of Art plaza for art fairs and on our way to look for murals.  And the murals by Bill Singleton (and sons) and others take us there. 

Between the MLK Holiday and the Meet Me Monday group being located to a non-dog location (Tumamoc Hill–which was also extremely crowded), Sal and I opted to check out this district at this quieter time. The streets were empty and most businesses were closed.  It was a Monday, after all.

We did a mile loop which took us from the murals near the cafes just north of the Museum.  Over past the library and courthouse and back into the streets which is one of the founding neighborhoods of Tucson.  We found one house with a plaque that proclaimed that the house was built before the Gadsden Purchase (1853) and added onto in the 1870s.

At the YMCA-YWCA we found another Joe Pagac mural, not far from another of his cycling murals.  And, as a bonus, we found a Jessica Gonzales mural with some great detail. and the wraparound mural at the Water Department was unobscured because of the holiday.

A quiet afternoon stroll that gave us more miles towards our mileage goal for the month.

Relentless (AKA, Sojourner and Mural Dog)

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