Embracing Tucson: the Southeast Corner of the U of A Campus

Sal and I try to find a walk each day that is at least a mile long and in a loop.  On this day we (re)discovered a corner of the University of Arizona campus.

Usually the southeast corner of campus is considered the athletic corridor in that it features the football stadium, McKale Center (the basketball arena) and the old Bear Down gymnasium.  But there is so much more. And it has changed significantly since I left the campus in the 1970s.

Bounded by 6th Street on the south, Campbell to the east, the University Mall on the north and Highland Avenue on the west, this quadrant of “Wildcat Country” is very walkable and scenic.  There is more 3-D art (statuary) than painted surfaces and murals.  However, they are placed in notable, clean locations. In the just-short-of 2-mile walk we took, we were able to sample a bit of student life and the beauty of the campus.

Seeing Sal in front of the Union on the mall lawn where we used to play frisbee was comforting.

Of note is the mirror lab in on the east side of the stadium. A number of significant astrological components have been ground and prepared in this lab (what I guess I’m trying to say is that the glass ground here has allowed planets and solar systems to be discovered and watched.  Not bad for the back of a gridiron palace, eh?).

The mix is old and new (at least to me) and affords a nice insight into the campus and how it fits into the surrounding neighborhoods.

Go Cats!

Relentless (and Sally)

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