The PNW Adventure, Day 9: Orcas and the E-Bikes

Today we learned the value of timing. Where planning met spontaneity.

Once we were off the ferry from Lopez to Orcas it was clear there were more miles and hills on Orcas than the others.

While I dropped a card at the Post Office, Jody was checking out E-Bike rentals. She proposed that we could cover more ground and see more with the power assist bikes.

Done. Thank you, Visa.

We we able to make it all the way to the resort at Doe (farthest south, opposite the ferry terminal). Then we made the return to the bike shop. That last bit (9 miles) to the ferry we cut it close as we rolled onto the ferry just as it was loading!

Timing is everything!

Sometimes you have to think outside your normal space to get things done.

Back to Lopez and camp.


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