
Constants.  Things that are there or that you’ve done with regularity. Places you’ve lived and people you’ve known.

The guideposts, signposts, footholds, handholds and general firm footing of your life.

I got to thinking about this as I sat in the my house that I’ve owned for over 13 years and have occupied for almost all of that time (there was a 3-year period I turned it into a rental in the middle of that time, but that’s a story for another time).

The house on Angora Street is the my single longest continuous address in my life.  Going back to my childhood.  Maybe one other house. Now, maybe to some of my peers who have lived in homes for 40 years plus, 13 years seems like a weekend trip.  But to me it marks the making of a home. And continuity.

Like the continuity of Harry in my life: at 14 years, my Cairn Terrier companion is the second-longest relationship in my life.  Second only to my first ex-wife.

The Subaru in the driveway has been around 10 years, since she was new.

My childhood friend, Andy, since I was 6.  I always tell Andy that, outside of my immediate family, no one else has known me as long. We graduated from high school together, too (CHS class of 1971).

One of my favorite married couples, Dennis and Theresa, 50-plus years. Dennis sent me a photo not long ago of me at Theresa’s sweet 16 birthday party.  I was a groomsman in their wedding.

Then there are the newer constants in my life.  Sally, Gracie, Jim and Lynsey, Dana, Jamie, Geoeffery, Craig and MB, Pedals and Pints.

And Pam.

It’s been said that the only constant is life is change.  Yet, while these constants change, they are constants.  The toeholds and handholds and platforms we stand on as we navigate life.  Sometimes we take them for granted.  But we all know we need to stop and thank God that He put them in our lives. Both the inanimate and the living.

Without them—and Him—we’d be adrift.

So, take a moment to take stock, inventory as it might be, of the places, things, pets and people around you.  They are a part of you and, really, make up the you who you really are.


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