The Seven Attributes of Effective Networkers

At the heart of the ultimate networker is a set of attributes that define the craft.  In building your network and honing your skills with each event and relationship, you build upon a base of attributes that make up being a networker. Ultimate, effective networkers:

  1. Are sincere.
  2. Have passion.
  3. Are solidly organized.
  4. Stay connected.
  5. Remain consistent.
  6. Show patience and persistence.
  7. Listen more than talk.

Sincerity and honesty are key to any relationship.  As you connect with people the more real you need to be or you become.  Telling the truth of who you are and being true to your ideals will make you memorable.

Passion defines any work. If you truly have passion for your craft (and in building your network) it will show through and be convincing.

Organization keeps you on track and in line.  Knowing an remembering your connections will help build their knowledge of you and you of them.

Staying connected will bear fruit more time than you can count.  Don’t forget connections just because they are out of sight.

Consistency is at the root of all marketing.  If you are consistent, over time your brand will shine.  Being consistent also make you memorable as a networker.  Your brand promise, your name, your offering, the clothes you wear, the people you associate with are all part of being consistent.

Patience and persistence are two of the three keys to being an ultimate networker.  Patience because you can’t give up or give in too soon.  Hang in there so as to meet your goal.  Persistence because going at it daily, weekly, hourly will get you to your goal (see consistency above).

And, lastly, but certainly not least, listen more than you talk.  You learn when you listen.  And it shows (and proves) that networking is NOT ABOUT YOU.

Go forth and become an ultimate networker.



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