The Spirit of Networking

This entry is owed to my friends and fellow relentless networkers, Ed and Linda Dannis.  They are great at keeping in touch, usually, via email or phone.  So when this tidbit arrived in my mailbox this morning, I thought it valuable to share:

“Remember no man is a failure who has friends.”  The words written in a book given to George Bailey.  Remember the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”?  Clarence the angel shows George all the lives he has touched and the contributions he (George) has made to his community.

 Reflecting back on this year, you are all are a blessing to us and each other as we’ve grown to know each other and have had the privilege of building friendships that hopefully will last for years to come. We never know if we make a difference with the contributions we give to others.  But, whether it is a stranger at Starbucks, a new acquaintance, old friend or a networker, we all touch someone.  I say to all, that the kind exchange of words to a stranger, the hug or handshake to a friend and remembering a networker’s request is giving.  It is just that along with a smile from you that touches the heart of others.

 During the Christmas season we remember its true meaning…. that someone touched our hearts and gave everything and gives today without asking for anything in return except relationship.

 ………no man or woman is a failure who has friends……..or networkers like you.

Thanks, Ed and Linda, for sharing this with us all.  Happy Holidays.


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