Falling in Love with Potential

There she stood in front of me. Tall, wispy, long-legged and blonde. Freed from 40 years of a challenging, compromised marriage. Consequently, everything was new and fun – bike rides, discovering dark beer, that new fitness app, car trips, calling me her boyfriend and referring to herself as my “girlfriend. “

That’s all a backdrop for a newly freed soul to be open to trying anything – succeed or fail.

The world was her oyster.

But then she saw glimpse of her past. A man, much like the one she was with in her former life, living the life she felt she’d lost. All she had to do was plug herself in. So she did.

I hope the tools she sharpened while with me helped her through this next phase.

But yet, it was this potential I saw that intrigued me, what I fell in love with.

A pretty woman of faith, practice, and care wrapped in potential.

Will it be realized? Or did I just get that hopeful moment? That “gap” in both of our lives? But maybe this is another practice round. Maybe we all inch more than speed toward fully realized selves. I so get wishing this someone were different, or things had gone differently.

I’ll call myself lucky for having that moment with her. I’ll miss seeing what she will become and wish to have seen what she could have been. And, yet, if we believe no one else can interfere with our good, it’s easier to let her leave.

The potential she had—redirected or lost?


(*with input from LSH)

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