Being Memorable

With this being the 50th anniversary of John F Kennedy’s inaugural address, the question comes up:

Are you memorable?

Fifty years ago today, the youngest man to be elected to the US presidency, stood without a coat or hat in freezing weather to kick off his administration with the line we have all heard many times:

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

This recollection leads us to a list of things related to networking.  What are you doing to make yourself memorable to your various audiences?

  • Do you choose your words carefully? Once they are out there, even in conversation, they are “published.” Consider all you post online, too.
  • Do you take care in how you dress and in your appearance? Seems superficial, but, really, it is one of the pieces of a first impression. Be yourself and take care. Remember teh JFK image without hat or coat in the cold.
  • Who are you associated with? Friends and acquaintances are good, very good, for you and them.  Be glad for the people you know and who knows you. Do they really know you? Do you truly know them?
  • Do you take pride in your work? People get to know you and remember you from what they read online, in the news and hear from others.  Is your best foot forward in the work you do?

We are remembered for a number of reasons, some of them on this list, some not.  Consider those around you and what you say and do.  And be polite.


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