Why I Quit High School Wrestling

We all have reasons for why we do things.  Some are public and some are private.

In this day and age of everything being public, we seem to tell all as we go about our social-media driven lives.  We get up and post.  We post throughout the day.  And end our days with a post.

Does everybody need to know everything we are doing?  It seems we should be more selective in what we share.  Truth is, I see the trend of social media sharing toward a narrowing of this type of sharing. And we should consider following that trend or the idea of connecting regularly will become a wall and not a door.

First, consider what needs to be said and to whom. Would you say this to a group at work or only a close friend?

Secondly, consider the value. Does the receiving party get any value from what you are saying/posting? Do they really need to know this information?

Lastly, what do you expect in return? Or do you expect anything at all?

It’s like your momma told you, “Think before you speak.” Remember, social media is just that–another medium.

By the way, very few people need to know why we quit high school wrestling or if we wrestled at all. Some things we keep close and don’t share or share selectively.


(The photo is from the movie “Win Win”–great flick if you haven’t seen it)

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