Be consistent. And tough. And clear.
Those were Katharine Chestnut’s messages in this session on show measurement. This theme was almost overworked at Exhibitor’s, but it really has to be discussed and to the level and detail that it was. Ms Chestnut brings a freshness and warmth to this (and her other) topic because of her presentation style. The dry humor and engagement with the group really works.
Back to the session: Ms Chestnut outlined the recurring themes of setting objectives and reporting results. What was different was that she set those ideas up with defining what you are trying to measure, giving you reasons to measure and naming your stakeholders and their causes BEFORE setting the objectives. She got to the detail level of how meetings fit into meeting your objectives and it all rolled up nicely into the reporting process she outlined.
And when you report your results (to whomever), don’t necessarily be nice (no “sunshine and buttercups”). Honestly and tactfully (well, maybe not too tactfully) tell them what worked and what didn’t. If it didn’t work it has to be fixed.
Lesson learned: Measurement is a disciplined business approach.