At the Exhibitor’s Show, Day 4: Top Technology Trends

Technology is transforming trade shows and events…..okay, now I’ve stated the obvious.

However, I didn’t realize in how many ways until I listened to Corbin Ball’s presentation. His reverse Top 10 format was a good way to get to the point. But, I tell ya, I felt like I was under an avalanche of information. But, such is technological change.

He did it the best way by saying up front, “hey, I’ve got all of these” cataloged at my website ( Saves a lot of rehash. But I would like to give my Thinking In Threes take on the key things I came away with:

1. We (as events and TS people) can’t ignore Web 2.0
2. We need to push for universal retrieval devices or standards from our organizers
3. Virtual will ever replace face-to-face business

Lesson learned: Technology is great but let’s not forget it really is a sharper pencil for us to use. Just be sure and use it.


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