Getting to the point: Asking for what you want

In this day and age of passive-aggressive behavior and people generally not getting to the point about what they want, need or are trying to say, I was refreshed by something I saw at a holiday party.

Even though the national unemployment numbers are coming back down, Steve Elkins wants a job.  He made no bones about it at the recent Jingle Mingle in Dallas.  The joint event of a number of marketing, creative and communications organizations benefits The Dream Fund. Steve, being the creative guy he apparently is, used this vehicle to drive right up to potential employers.

“I need a job for Christmas,” Steve told me when he introduced himself and handed me his card.  The card had his name and title in the upper right-hand corner and the message to the left, “All I want for Christmas is a JOB” to the left over a snowflake. His tagline is “new, exciting, challenging, fun, rewarding, creative.” I’m guessing this last item refers both to the kind of job he wants as well as his key attributes.

Sure, others have tried similar things, but it was the sincerity of the delivery and the commitment with which he gave me the card and delivered the message. Standing nearby with a name tag that simply said “Steve’s Wife,” was his spouse, Laurie.  When asked about herself, she replied quite succinctly, “This evening is about Steve.  I’m here for him.”

So, Steve (and Laurie) used the evening to conduct their mission.  Like any good networkers, they had a plan, a strategy for working the room and a clear message.  And, most importantly, they were direct and to the point.

Thanks, Steve, for a great networking lesson.


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