A Working Formula for a Networking Happy Hour

Creating the right environment for your peers, colleagues, friends and acquaintances in which to interact can be a tall order.  Creating that same environment as a way to recruit new members adds to the challenge.

Over the past few years, the Dallas chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) have created a simple formula for just such an event.  The result of a meeting over drinks a few years back between Julie Songer, Pat Chamberlain and Don Klausmeyer, the idea was to give communicators in Dallas an option beyond the monthly luncheon.

The formula revolves around these concepts:

  • A 2-hour event on the third Wednesday of each month.
  • Held at a restaurant or bar with free parking and willing to share gift certificates or some other perk.
  • A common invitation sent out through individual LinkedIn Inmails that includes network connections beyond the membership of the group.
  • Keep the cost low ($5 members, $10 non-members) using sponsor money to make the event accessible to all.
  • A format that allows for the sponsor and host to stand up every half hour and make announcements and maybe a drawing for a gift card or something.

The idea took root and survives to this day.  Having simple formula and sticking to it allows for an even exchange of ideas and conversation.  I’ve made contacts, both business and personal, over the years at the IABC event.  And I’ve seen teh formula transferred to other groups with great success.

Consider the formula and model for your group should you be lokking to create a networking event.


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