Two Pennys for your thoughts

Not coins. People. Women. Friends. From vastly different parts of my life.

They say God puts people in your path for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Sometimes you cross paths more than once.

So it is with the two friends named Penny. One from my recent past, the other from my distant past. Both smart, independent, directed people.

Like the Taffys from before, the Pennys all played a role in some part of my life. The recent Penny is a dog-loving Texas girl who has reinvented herself professionally multiple times. The distant Penny is from my high school church group, transplanted to Minnesota.

From the Texas Penny, I learned the power of love by a small dog.  Her Macy was much like Sally and Harry.  Small dogs with big hearts and bigger love. Penny speaks directly and her furry sidekick helped soften Ms P’s approach sometimes.  I learned so much from them.

High school Penny recently visited Tucson and included us in her itinerary. We had the chance to revisit parts of our old hometown together and share some memories.  She reminded me of the value of enjoying the moment.  And the moment is now.

They might be named Penny but these special women are golden and valued beyond any precious metal.


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