Painted Hills Trails Hike

In an effort to fill the gap in my routine and exercise needs created by my slowdown in cycling, I’ve found walking and hiking is a great substitute.  While my regular, daily walks with Sal help me maintain the basics, I was looking for something that included some socializing while discovering new places in my new/old home.  Cycling groups had done this in the past, but I was looking for a walking or hiking alternative.

I didn’t have to look far.

This morning I spent a couple of hours over about 3 miles burning 500 calories with a dozen or so Meet Me friends (and a pooch).  It is a monthly outing lead by Sarah and Daniela from Beyond. Today’s hike took us to the west side of Tucson, into the foothills of the Tucson Mountains.  the Painted Hills Trailhead is the starting place for several trails that wind into the foothills for several miles and with a bit of up and down.

I learned from one of my fellow hikers that this was a restoration project that helped save the area from being turned into a housing development.  The investment fund from Texas had a completed development plan of hundreds of homes–they just couldn’t secure water rights (imagine that, in a desert!).  Eventually the lands were purchased by the county and the trail system developed.

What I enjoy about this group is the mix of folks with such varied interests and viewpoints.  Many are retirees, some natives born here (like me) and others late arrivals into retirement.  They know local lore, history and politics.  What’s fun is putting those conversations into the context of the space we are walking and taking in.

Thanks, Sherman. And Sarah. And Donna. And Linda.  Oh, and Coco, that pooch.

Another day of fresh air, good company and saguaros.

See y’all again soon.


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