Now I Know What Lance Meant

“It’s not about the bike,” Lance Armstrong said and then gave that title to a book. The book was about his cancer journey and how bikes helped him traverse it.

It also relates to a daily relationship with one’s bicycle.

I’ve said it before that I’ve gone from hundreds of miles each week to (almost) a hundred (or less) each month. Yet I can assure you the quality has increased as the quantity has decreased.

“That’s the slowest I’ve ever ridden a bike,” has become my mantra. That phrase was uttered by a much-disliked member of a former bike club. It stuck in my head for lots of reasons.

So I turned it into a positive.

Each ride now has a purpose: clearing the writer’s block, discovering a new route across town, or seeking new sights and views. Besides, it saves gas.

“Where are we going today?” has replaced “How fast and far?”

Life is much better.


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