Awash in Art

It is evident to me every day that I am here in Tucson that this is NOT the town I left 47 years ago.

No duh.

It is a real community of culture, food, people and art.  Especially art.

Sal and I are out at least once a day and collecting photos of the art that lives around us.  Murals on walls everywhere. Mosaic benches whenever you are ready to sit. Dimensional art of everything of horses to arrows to sails.  Some of it randomly placed, some strategically placed in public locations, yards and museums.

All of it accessible and visible.

Being surrounded by art and being able to interact with it, makes for a more pleasant environment.  This is about living surrounded by art. It immerses you and gives the city dimension and context.  It isn’t art just for art sake.  Much of it is painted and created with the intention of enhancing a specific location or neighborhood.

Now, after 4 months here, I can say I truly get the volume. Between walks with Sal and bike rides, I have collected over 450 examples of public art–murals, 3-d, aerosol–in the streets and on the walls of this fair city. Thanks to our friends at Beyond and the Meet Me crew, we have seen and learned more than I could ever have imagined.

The names of artists–Joe Pagac, Jessica Gonzales, Ignacio Garcia and Danny Martin–now roll off my tongue with ease.  And, most of the time, I can recognize, identify and tell a story about their work.

City government has also played a role in this artistic implantation.  Guidelines for property owners and artists, there is also some incentive to include art in neighborhoods and on the walls of businesses.

And it truly is everywhere: the sides of commercial buildings, residential chimneys, inside coffee shops.  Literally everywhere.

I have grown to appreciate the art as a way to open my eyes and sharpen my senses.  To appreciate my surroundings and make a point of observing as I go about my day.  Gone are the days of those 50-mile bike rides where riders really didn’t notice their surroundings.  Each step matters these days.

Open your eyes and your mind will open and expand as well.


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