Random Rita

As a networker and random conversationalist, I have a tendency to observe people in hopes of engaging them in conversation. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

Enter Rita.  Or “Random Rita” as I’ve started to refer to her.

She was the woman at Starbucks one morning. The barista called out her name, Rita, when her order was ready.

Tall, maybe 5’9.” Brown hair with a wisp of gray, cropped at her chin. Nice smile when she looked our way. 60-ish, thin with sandals at the ends of her long, blue-jean-clad legs.

She sat down behind me and sipped her coffee. Left before I did, so I guess I missed my opportunity. Drove off in a dark Toyota.

Hoped she would return the following morning. I would like to meet someone like her. She looked attractive, interesting and confident. And she smiled at Sal and me as we went through our treats routine at our table.

But my random encounter really ended when she got up to leave before I did. So, lesson learned: as with the girl who stepped out of the crowd at the brewery nearly 4 years ago, I need to be more bold and seize the moment.

As noted elsewhere, random conversations are a powerful thing.

Thanks, Rita, for this moment.  Maybe the cosmos will align again when I’m in Tucson.


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