Sergeant Bluff to Ida Grove. 53-plus miles. Started at 6:30am and got off the course at 2:00pm.
Ended up camping on the high school baseball field (on the first base line in shallow right field). I camped next to three guys from Chicago. One of them, Pete, was a Dallas native. They offered me cigars and bourbon (I declined).
On the ride met Carson and Lisa from Wisconsin. Her first RAGBRAI.

Geoff, Janet, Pete and Kevin asked me to take their group shot in front of their tent. From Wisconsin and Virginia, they were going on to another adventure in Voyagers National Park after RAGBRAI. They knew about Rodeo Goat in Dallas from a recent visit!

Don and Cheryl (the retired band director and dental hygienist ) who we met over pie at the American Legion in Sergeant Bluff last night are camped across from me.
I was good and avoided the deep-fried Oreos.

And this kid from Arizona burnt his sandaled feet because he didn’t apply sunscreen!
Resting up for Day 2.
(this was first published as a Facebook post and replayed here with a few more notes)