For one of my cycling friends her moment came when she acquired an extension ladder and a Big Green Egg smoker. She was going through a change in her life and wanted to make a statement to herself. These were things that had been “very male” in her world. Yet they helped her feel that she had made it on her own. She took control of her life in a very visual, tangible way.
For me it was organizing my kitchen. Really. I chose the location for everything from plastic wrap to spices. Things were within easy reach for me. And I didn’t have to guess where I could find something. A project manager friend taught me how to organize pots and pan and plate and glasses. A chef friend showed me how to effectively use drawers and cabinet space. and what spice to keep on hand.
Whatever the device, we all get to choose to be us. The definition is up to us. We are all individuals, no two alike. So being “I” or “me,” is important. Very important. Sometimes it’s in the little things. And it all seems to be small stuff–but it can make a big difference.
Like an egg and a ladder.
Don’t forget to be you.