They Call It Networking…

…but it’s not. It’s about profiting from your network at your expense.

Beware the “something for nothing” crowd.

I’m all for sharing leads and contacts–if it is reciprocal and done with sincerity. But lately I’ve been encountering more and more individuals and groups who are only interested in taking and not making a fair exchange. As an effective and genuine networker beware of anyone:

  • Promising to pay you when the introduction you are making turns into business for them.
  • Asking for leads without at least saying “and what can I do in return for you?”
  • Bragging about business they’ve built and maintain while asking for a lead without a reciprocal offer.
  • Wanting a contact then selling in the first email or conversation.

As a networker your currency is the contacts you have and maintain. They are generally hard earned and not based in a sale or selling. However they either directly or indirectly lead to business. Not that you want to be selfish with these contacts, you do want to guard them closely and safeguard them from predators as you would any friend or close associate.

As a consultant, while you can selectively give away services to win business, you shouldn’t allow yourself to be “cherry picked” or be asked to give your services away without a fee (” I’ll make you rich if you partner with me now on the ground floor!”). Inevitably someone is “getting rich,” but chances are it isn’t you.

Beware the selfish and self-centered. They can be recognized by the way they break Rule #1: “it’s not about you.”



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