If Connecting Seems Hard, Try Reconnecting

We all talk about networking and connecting with people.  But that can be tough.  The time comes and you just don’t have the energy or enthusiasm to take on the task.  It’s just too much.

So try something else.  Try reconnecting.

In this space we’ve talked about “Find ‘Em Fridays,” as a way to restart a relationship or just reach out to someone who you haven’t talked with in a while.  Sometimes the best connections are those we are already connected to.  Don’t just gather connections like office supplies–use and interact with them.  That’s why you connected with them in the first place.


So jump off the curb (it really is just a curb, not a 10-story building) and reach out.  How, you ask?

  • Send a LinkedIn message
  • Send an email
  • text
  • Or, dang it, call on the phone.  Use your voice.

What to say?  Try this: “It’s been a while since we last connected.  I was thinking about you when I was at that coffee shop we used to meet at and realized that we hadn’t talked in some time.  I thought it would be good for us to get together and renew our acquaintance.  How does Friday for coffee sound?”

There, you did it.  Not only have you connected, you’ve reconnected.

Your connections are like currency.  The more they move and get invested, the more valuable they become.  People are dynamic creatures.  They need to be interacted with and invested in (with your time).  I’ve had relationships resurface after years only to be in the right place at the right time for something that needed to be done or accomplished at that moment.

Keep in touch.  Reach out and touch someone.  Your relationships are the currency of your life.
