Being Part of a Community

It wasn’t until I spent time with the citizens and supporters of the City of Garland that I realized just what a community is, was and can be.

Are you part of a community?

This experience cause me to look around and see just what I was a part of–who I was “communing” with.  So, I thought, let’s make a list:

  • My alumni association.  Always good to be with my fellow Wildcats (of the Arizona variety).
  • The people in my neighborhood.  Those folks I see when I walk the dog, cruise through the local market or see on my walks or runs at the Lake.
  • My fellow runners.  Hey, if they get up at the crack of dawn to run with you, you do get to know people.
  • Sandra‘s Meet Up.  Those who cook and eat together…
  • Clients, old and new–and yet to come.
  • Family.  My tribe should really be higher up, but this is stream-of-consciousness blog post, ok? Siblings, kids, grandkids, ex-spouses.
  • Close friends.  What would I do without Sandra, Michelle, Kandi, the Toms and lots of others.
  • My friends at the watering holes I frequent.  Thank you Good Friend and Lakewood Taproom.

And the list goes on.  Make up your own list, it is probably very similar.  But the point is this: When you are part of a community (or communities) you are with like-minded folks who share more than space with you.  Conversation comes easy and you take turns talking about things.  It’s an open exchange of ideas.  If we all made the effort to be a part of a community, the world might be a warmer, more friendly (and safe) place.

So, go out and build your community.


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