Communities can be defined in a number of ways. Most of us think “city” or “town.” But communities can also be larger or smaller and build around other things–doctors, gardens, pets, hobbies, music, entertainment.
Recently I presented to a group wanting to learn how to best reach out into their communities to grow their businesses. What we talked about were the basics of networking:
- The tools and techniques you need to use to be effective.
- Where to go to network and find new contacts and, perhaps, clients.
- What to look for and how to build relationships.
- And, finally, the impact all of this can have on your business.
We also emphasized that, if nothing else, to remember:
- Practice patience.
- Be persistent.
- And most importantly, this is NOT ABOUT YOU!
Over the next few posts I will cover the details of each of these major points. The underlying theme will be being prepared–and know your audience.