The New Puppy

Remember the day that new dog or puppy came into your life?  How did you feel?

No, this post isn’t about buying, adopting or rescuing a new doggie.  It is about having enthusiasm and energy. I write this now as this time of year we are particularly vulnerable to getting down and not feeling up to par.

That new friend in your life made you feel like things mattered.  You felt a part of something and wanted.  Even if your day didn’t go well, your friend was (or is) there to make things feel whole.

Really, if things are not up to speed or you are feeling down, these feelings and the tone will show through and be felt by those around you.  It’s hard to buck up and be on all of the time, but when you are out networking and you feel this way, think of people, friends and things that get your attitude up.

Like that puppy.

Once you are in the event, the flow will overtake you, just like when you play ball, or hold that dog.  But all it really takes is that set of feelings and you are off and running.

Now, go thank the dog.


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