Recharge and Reset

Sunday.  The Sabbath.  The 7th Day.  A day of rest.

In today’s society and for years Friday has meant “only two more work days until Monday.” Weekends were forgotten or lost in the haze of the flow of work.

Thanks to younger generations, the tide is turning back to “taking the weekend off.”  While we all still can’t seem to let go of our electronics even for a meal, it seems that more and more of us are using the weekend, and most notably Sunday, to rest and recharge.


Try this the next time a Sunday comes along:

  1. Put your smartphone up for the day.  Yes, it is fun to check in and all that, but unplug for teh day and see how you feel.
  2. Turn off the computer.  Yes, off.  See 1 above.
  3. Move on to the TV.  Off. DVR or record this or watch Hulu later.
  4. Walk the dog (if you have one) or just take a walk.  Start and finish the day.
  5. Have at least one meal out, either by yourself, with a friend or your significant other.
  6. Read.  Anything.  Sunday paper is a good choice.
  7. Call/write/visit/text your siblings or parents.  They like to hear from you.
  8. If you are so inclined, visit your place of worship.  Faith and fellowship are good revivers and healers.
  9. At the end of the day, make your To Do list for Monday and the week.
  10. Go to bed at a reasonable hour and get the sleep you need to face those new contacts you will be meeting tomorrow and this week.

Recharge, refresh, renew.  And then get back to it.  Tomorrow is another day.


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