It doesn’t take much. A simple gesture or phrase, one that can brighten someone’s day. All it takes are a few minutes and some genuine words.
Sometimes the simplest of gestures and a few words can go along way.
In changing a job recently, a friend experienced just that: after a few weeks on the new job, her new boss turned to her, unsolicited, and told her how much it meant to him and the company to have her and her talent on board.
Wow. That probably explains her dream a few nights later when she imagined herself arriving at the office one day and being greeted by her coworkers with a robe, scepter and crown. It was like a scene from the old daytime TV game show, “Queen for a Day.” And she was the queen.
She had worked for her previous company for almost 10 years. And, while she was compensated well, it was more of a culture of blame and finger pointing. Few compliments were handed out and many times, those who worked hardest were treated the most poorly. While she enjoyed the work, the environment was a killer to her work ethic and desire to come to the office.
Not that she needed constant kudos. But the lesson here is clear: whether you are the boss or just out networking with people, a few well-placed kind words can go a long way to communicating and even comforting people. Speaking honestly and kindly should be a way of life, not just in networking but in life itself.
Besides, how many times in your life to you get to feel like royalty?