Why Join a Chamber of Commerce?

There are lots of ways to build a network and lots of reasons, too. I heard this list not that long ago in a session at –where else–a chamber of commerce:

  • Exposure.  You gain exposure for you and your business at chamber events and contacts.
  • Access to decisionmakers.  Mayors, city councilpeople and otehr civic officeholders frequent chamber meetings and events.
  • Networking.  Most solid and working chambers host networking events and encourage networking between their members.
  • Influence by association.  You gain influence with others by your association and connection with the chamber.
  • Professional development.  Many chambers hold classes and conduct seminars on business practices and how-to’s.
  • Referrals.  The single most effective thing that comes from networking is referrals.  The power of a referral is the gift of power, influence and…business.  Which his ultimately returned.
  • Advocacy.  By taking positions on community issues, chambers help grow that community.  By casting your lot with this advocacy, you grow, too, along with your business.
  • Participation. “90% of success is just showing up,” says Steve Taylor, the president of the North Dallas Chamber, paraphrasing Woody Allen. Acting on issues and ideas gets you somewhere.

Taking action, any action, will get you more places than not taking any action.  Be active in your community and grow your network by joining–and participating in–a chamber of commerce.


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