Reading Situations

You’ve prepared and analyzed, written and read and composed and rehearsed.  You walk into the room ready for a solid,clear discussion  The discussion begins and goes in a completely different direction.

Did you see this coming?  Can you flex with it?

It has happened to all of us at one time or another: the misread meeting.  There are things to do to prevent this from happening to you as well as things you can do after just such a meeting to prepare for the next meeting.

Prevention considers several things:

  • Make sure expectations are set for the meeting and are clear before you get there and as you start the meeting.
  • Listen during the meeting and respond carefully and clearly to the question or request on your feet.
  • Do your homework and make sure the content is answering the questions you believe will be posed.

As for when it is happening and responding to a meeting that goes in a different direction than you expect:

  • Take your notes and respond carefully in a recap, either verbal or in writing.
  • Be open, listen and respond clearly on your feet.  If you don’t know an answer, say “I’ll get back with a clear answer for you.”
  • Be honest and polite.

How you respond reinforces your relationship with the people you are meeting with.  If you have a knee-jerk reaction, you could be categorized in a way you don’t want to be.  On the other hand, a quick, well-thought-out answer at the moment could work wonders.

Patience. Manners. Consistency.  They all apply.


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