Being a Thankful Networker

The most gratifying thing about networking is that it is based in giving.  From this giving comes fruitful relationships.  As a networker you have much to be thankful for.

1.  Relationships.  Knowing people and being known is a powerful and gratifying thing.  

2.  Respect. Both mutual and earned.  Treating people well rewards you with being treated well.

3.  Activity. Being out and about at events and in meetings keeps our mind from atrophying and your butt from growing large.

4.  Fellowship.  Being among people of both like and different experiences and attitudes makes for a healthy mind, heart and body.

5.  Kindness.  The most precious gift you can give is the act of kindness.   The most valuable gift you can receive is a kindness returned.

We have our networks and contacts to thank for our business.  Prosperity comes from good work and kindness.  Keep it up and you will have more to be thankful for next year, too.


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