Frank Lucas’ take on networking events

“The loudest guy in the room is the weakest guy in the room.”–Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington) in “American Gangster.”

Sure you want to dress “appropriately” when you attend an event.  It’s not just about what others are wearing it’s also about how loud or quiet you want to be and how you want to fit in, or not, and what you want your impression to be on others.

When I heard this quote during an NPR interview with Mr. Washington the other day, it reminded me that our presence in a room and our image with people  is set in many ways.  Your “strength” within your network is well within your control if you just think about all of the aspects that are in play.

“Loud” does not just apply to your dress: consider the volume and tone of your speech and how often and what you speak:

  • Do you have your elevator speech down?
  • Can you customize it?
  • Is it succinct and to the point?
  • Do you speak when you are spoke to?
  • Do you ask for than volunteer information?

Being loud isn’t just a brightly colored tie or dress.  It is your voice, where you stand and how.  Choose carefully. Be strong. Listen to Frank.


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